An annual European School Ecological Challenge, ESEC, is being announced by the Cominvision Foundation in Sweden. Linn Bekkevik, CEO of the Foundations says that the first challenge will focus on two subjects, paper management and food management.
“The aim of the competition is to raise student awareness about the effects of their own personal carbon footprint and help to reduce the carbon footprint within schools throughout Europe. The Foundation also strives to encourage positive student attitudes and equal rights, regardless of gender, class or ethnicity”.
European Schools that wish to participate in the ESEC Challenge should ask their school principal or teacher to contact the Cominvision Foundation no later than 15 February 2012 at the Cominvision website. The European School Ecological Challenge ends on 15 April 2012. The winners will be picked by a professional jury. Awards and prizes will be announced in 2012.
Cominvision works in close collaboration with organizations and companies as well as political and economic establishments throughout Europe. According to Linn Bekkevik, the foundation is also in the process of promoting Earth Aid-Now, music festivals and other social fundraising events where 80% of the proceeds will go directly into practical use and efforts within other foundations, organizations, companies and schools that promote ecologically viable ideas, inventions and education. Foundation sponsors gain access to a global network of scientists, innovators and entrepreneurs that can contribute to ecological areas of excellence by finding solutions that avoid unnecessary disruption to the delicate balance between man, animal and nature.
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